Unethical life hacks

1. Buy an appliance that’s identical to the one you broke, swap them out, and then return the broken appliance for a refund.
2. Lying about your kid’s age at an amusement park or buffet will get you a cheaper price.
3, Get a free drink at Starbucks by pretending your order was taken.
Ask a friend to order a drink at Starbucks and pick up their drink and leave. After a few minutes, tell the friend walk to the counter and say they never got their drink so they make another one.
4. Eat for free at a major hotel’s free continental breakfast — even if you don’t stay there. Walk in like you belong, take your food, and leave.
5. Get free meals at Chipotle by using a debit card without enough money on it.
According to a manager, Chipotle will let you go with free food if your card doesn’t authorize, because speed/efficiency is crucial to their bottom line.
6. Get a free extra carry-on by asking for the airport gift shop’s gift bag.
For extra carry-ons at no charge, go the airport gift shop and ask for a gift bag, and stuff your stuff into it. Because it looks like you purchased it at the airport, the flight will (allegedly) let you bring it on free, even if it’s over your carry-on limit.
7. Purchase expensive clothing and wear it to an event then return it the next day.
Make sure not to spill anything on it!
8. Read online subscription news for free by deleting the cookies in your web browser.
If the site has a limit to the number of articles you can read before requiring a subscription, just delete the cookies in your web browser after you reached your limit. Your count will be restarted. This works for booking flights too. Looking at the same flight page multiple times will cause the airline to up the prices for the flight. Clear your cookies and you see the original flight price.
9. Use your college/student ID for discounts ever after you’ve graduated.
10. Use pennies instead of quarters in coin-slot laundry machines.
If you flick the pennies in, it will trigger the sensor saying that the coins are quarters. You can get laundry done for a couple of cents rather than a couple of dollars.
11. The best public bathrooms in a city are in the expensive hotels.
12. Take advantage of “hidden city ticketing” to get a cheaper plane ticket.
This one isn’t that unethical, but quite controversial.
Instead of buying a ticket for A:B, find a cheaper one for A:B:C and get off at B. Savings can be 30-50%. Airlines really hate this, but there’s not much they can do about it. Example: You want to fly to London from New York. A flight could cost you a couple thousand. Change your flight to New York to somewhere like Greece, with a layover in London. Get off at London. The flight from New York to London is more expensive than having London as a layover. Just make sure you take only a carry-on, because the airline will probably send your luggage to the 3rd stop (Greece)
Alternatively, get an extended stopover that allows you to get off at B and go outside with your luggage. That way the airline won’t send your luggage to C.
13. Steal magazine subscription details from any waiting room or lobby.
Go to a dental/medical lobby and take pictures of the account info/address/barcode printed on the magazines. This could be all that’s required to access the digital versions online.
14. If you don’t like someone sitting in front of you in at the movies, spill some of your drink on the seat in front. They won’t sit there.
