Interesting facts you should know

I am listing below some of the mind blowing facts. So here we begin….
Pneumonia used to be called "the old man's friend" because it often brought a fairly swift and painless end to a life that was already of poor quality and would otherwise have continued to decline.
Named after Alfred Blaschko, are lines of normal cell development in the skin. These lines are invisible under normal conditions. They become apparent when some diseases of the skin occur.
There are hidden set of key nerves called the vagus nerve, in our body. Stimulating these nerves leads to a slowing of the heart rate, which therefore reduces stress and calms you down.
Coloring Isn't Just For Kids. It Can Actually Help Adults Combat Stress. However, it turns out coloring can be beneficial for adults — namely for its de-stressing power.
These giant, day-flying mosquitoes do not need a blood meal to produce eggs, so they do not bite. Also they are sometimes called “elephant mosquitoes” due to their long, trunk-like proboscis that curves downward and is pointed at the tip.
Hearing is thought to be the last sense to go in the dying process, so never assume the person is unable to hear you.
Evolutionary biologists and neurosciences believe that we laugh when we are tickled because the part of the brain that tells us to laugh when we experience a light touch, which is the hypothalamus, is also the same part that tells us to expect a painful sensation.
Say it once.
Cute aggression refers to the almost-overwhelming urge to do violence to an object that we find incredibly adorable.
If you squeeze any pimple within the danger triangle, the skin can become infected and this infection can permeate these blood vessels. If that happens, the veins that run behind your eye sockets may form a clot to contain the infection. That clot puts pressure on the brain, and can lead to paralysis or even death.
So this is a trick.
Sourcefacts and science
